Environmental Justice Australia

Environmental Justice Australia (EJA) is a national public interest legal centre. We are lawyers and campaigners using a powerful combination of law and advocacy to empower communities, protect and regenerate nature, safeguard our climate, and achieve environmental justice.

EJA exists because we believe the law is a powerful lever to disrupt the status quo, change the overarching systems driving destruction and create a fairer future for people and nature.

Our vision is a legal system that delivers environmental justice for communities and protects and regenerates nature. This looks like an Australia where:

First Nations people lead and are recognised for their vital role caring for Country.

Communities are empowered to participate in decision-making and have access to justice.

Our laws, policies and institutions enable people and nature to thrive, today and tomorrow.

We are grateful for PMF Foundation’s generous support and their belief in using the law to create a radically better world.