Children’s Ground

Children’s Ground is an ambitious system-change approach, aiming to end entrenched inequity and disadvantage experienced by First Nation peoples.

Led by Arrernte and Bininj community leaders, our approach celebrates the strength and knowledge of First Peoples, languages and cultures. We work with whole communities, walking beside each family and child with a 25-year commitment to deliver excellence – integrating early childhood learning, education, health, culture, community support and economic development.  

PMF Foundation is an incredible supporter of Children’s Ground.

As our major philanthropic funder, PMF gives us the ability to do what we need to do and be what we need to be, holding the space to allow for bold innovation.

We know that if we honour and support the inherent abilities of each child, where they live, ensuring dignity and access to opportunity, that we can end the devastating trauma that First Australians continue to experience today. Our experience is that when people have their voices heard, when they lead the solutions and mobilise their talents and are supported in this, change is possible.  

It requires flexibility and responsiveness. It means changing the way we employ people, the way we teach kids, how things are governed.  It means recognising that First Nations systems of law and culture and society are where the answers often sit. At Children’s Ground we structure everything we do to respond to the voice and cultures of local people. It is only through having funding from PMF and our family of supporters that we can be innovative and flexible. 

PMF are quiet, respectful, supportive, thoughtful, and generous in their approach. PMF listen well and they feel deeply. They offer dignity and they empower. It is not just in what happens on the ground - it is how the people who support you enable you to be who you are. We don’t have to be anything but who we are with PMF. It continues to be an incredible relationship, and we are so grateful and feel honoured to partner with PMF.

It is why we can create change.
