
WithOneSeed is developing the capacity of subsistence communities in Baguia, Timor-Leste to build local economies, participate in environmental education and establish partnerships to produce a more equal and just world. 

WithOneSeed supports subsistence farming communities to replant their forests, creating a carbon sink. The carbon stored in the new forests is sold on the international carbon market. WithOneSeed is the first Gold Standard certified community forestry program in Timor Leste and the Asia-Pacific.

It’s about climate justice and supports 10 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Our long-term vision is to build village-based economies using environmental practices that are viable and support sustainable living. Putting an earned dollar in a persons pocket empowers them to make decisions for their own future. It is beyond charity and aid.

PMF has been the core financial supporter encouraging and enabling the WithOneSeed program and the Baguia community to pursue a more prosperous future both environmentally and economically.

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