Geelong Sustainability

Geelong Sustainability is a not-for-profit community-based association and charity working to make our region more sustainable.

Our vision is for people and our planet to thrive within sustainable limits. Our mission is to empower people to regenerate and protect the planet. To achieve this, we deliver projects that are focused on four strategic priorities - Climate Change, Renewable Energy, the Circular Economy and Sustainable Cities.

Since our establishment in 2007, Geelong Sustainability has become the region’s leading sustainability group with extensive networks in community, government and business throughout Geelong and the Barwon region. We are recognised for our evidence-based innovative projects, which educate and support our community’s transition to a net zero, circular economy.

One of our key projects is the Community Energy Revolving Fund.

Although the long-term benefits of renewable energy clearly outweigh the upfront cost, often not-for-profit community organisations simply do not have the upfront capital to fund the installation of solar and energy efficiency upgrades.

Geelong Sustainability has established a Community Energy Revolving Fund with the purpose of providing interest-free loans to not-for-profit community organisations who are seeking to install renewable energy systems (solar and batteries), undertake energy efficiency upgrades, switch away from fossil fuels or upgrade to electric vehicles. The Fund builds community energy resilience and helps local organisations to cut power bills and reduce carbon emissions.

The Revolving Fund provides interest-free loans which are paid back to the Fund from energy bill savings over a 5-year period, ensuring community organisations remain net positive for the cycle of the loan. Once the loan is repaid, the Revolving Fund can support other projects in the community, so the cycle continues with other not-for-profit community beneficiaries.

We’d like to thank PMF Foundation for their generous support of this project, and invite any not-for-profit organisations to reach out to us at if they would like to utilise the Fund.