
Empowering indigenous kids to achieve their full potential.

The PMF Foundation and Ganbina have been working together since 2013. Throughout that time PMF have supported Ganbina’s core Jobs4U2 Program, which aims to equalise educational achievement, enable greater participation of Indigenous young people in schools, and provide Indigenous youth with the confidence that with hard work anything is possible. Through transitioning youth from education to work, Ganbina addresses the systemic issues of welfare dependency, school dropouts, low educational attainment, and unemployment.

Ganbina’s programs have achieved wonderful success at their base in Shepparton, and continue to do so through their Expansion Project. Ganbina’s recognition that the challenges facing Shepparton’s indigenous population are not unique to them, and that there are many other communities grappling with similar issues, has seen them working towards the roll out of their program in a number of other indigenous communities across Australia.

Ganbina feels it is their moral and cultural imperative to share their learnings with interested communities and empower Indigenous communities to achieve true social and economic equality with other Australians. PMF has provided significant funding over the last several years to allow Ganbina to offer their support to Indigenous communities.
