Lock The Gate

Lock the Gate Alliance is a unique coalition of farmers, conservationists and Indigenous Traditional Owners across Australia working together to protect our land, water and communities from dangerous coal and unconventional gas mining.

Lock the Gate is a powerful de-centralised grassroots movement with a vision for healthy, empowered communities which have fair, democratic processes available to them to protect their land and water and deliver sustainable solutions to food and energy needs. 

Our network includes over 250 community groups and 120,000 members and supporters. Utilising a grassroots approach, we empower and upskill local people to respond to the needs in their local area. The majority of our team live and work in rural and remote areas where we highlight localised issues and raise them to a state and national consciousness.

We’re incredibly grateful for the backing of PMF Foundation for our work to build healthy, resilient communities with strong diverse economies that are seizing emerging opportunities in renewable energy and value-added agriculture.

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